


Add:No.2,Lane 248, Sec.4,Zhong Xiao East Road Taipei City
Phone: 2-2731-5225

The following is the telephone interview content with Nei Hu Alleycat’s owner, Miss Chang (以下為與Alleycat’s內湖店店長張家慧小姐的電訪內容)

1. Does your cooking have some of the tastes and flavors of home cooking?

Ans:Even though Alleycat’s sells Italian Pizza, its sauce and seasoning ingredients are imported from New Zealand, Italy and the U.S. The taste of Alleycat’s pizza is quite similar to that of American pizza, and people have different preference for the type of crust in the east and west regions. In comparison, the Italian version is simpler, usually with one or two kinds of pizza for costumers to choose from.

雖然Alleycat’s是賣義大利披薩,但它的香料與調味料是從紐西蘭、義大利與美國進口。此外,Alleycat’s 披薩口感與美式披薩十分相近,而且人們對於餅皮厚度的偏好也依東西部地區而有所不同,不過義式披薩比起美式披薩口味較簡單,只有一兩種選擇。

2. What are come of the most popular dishes?

Ans: 1) Napoletana pizza 10”/12” (Fresh Tomato, Goat Cheese, Anchovies, Olives and Spinach) 那不勒斯披薩10吋/12吋 (生鮮蕃茄、洋奶起司、鯷魚、黑橄欖和菠菜) NT$410/NT$470

2) Maialona pizza 10”/12”(Italian Sausage, Pepperoni, Chorizo and Salami))
馬亞隆那披薩10吋/12吋 (義式香腸、臘肉腸、辛香肉腸和義大利蒜味香腸) NT$430/ NT$480

3) Salad (Caesar、Italian Garden、Chicken Caesar、Greek、Caprese) (凱薩沙拉、義大利田園沙拉、雞肉凱薩沙拉、希臘沙拉) NT$120~NT$360

4) Croccante Pizza (eg. Our Pizza Base Baked Until Crisp, Sprinkled with Italian Herbs and Fresh Garlic, then Drizzled with Extra Virgin Olive Oil)

3. Are there two or three dishes that stand out, that you feel are the most delicious of special?

Ans:1) Chabattinni Plain Europe bread 恰巴提尼歐式麵包 (一份四片、有嚼勁,上頭有蕃茄,羅勒, 灑上黑胡椒與義式香料) There are 4 pieces in 1 dish. The bread is chewy, the above are the tomato, fresh basils with black pepper and other Italian seasonings.

2) Napoletana pizza 10”/12” (Fresh Tomato, Goat Cheese, Anchovies, Olives and Spinach) 那不勒斯披薩10吋/12吋 (生鮮蕃茄、洋奶起司、鯷魚、黑橄欖和菠菜) NT$410/NT$470

3) Maialona pizza 10”/12”(Italian Sausage, Pepperoni, Chorizo and Salami)) 馬亞隆那披薩10吋/12吋 (義式香腸、臘肉腸、辛香肉腸和義大利蒜味香腸) NT$430/ NT$480

4. What makes your food or atmosphere different of special?

Ans:1) Colour : based on black and red (顏色:以黑色紅色為基底)

2) Decoration: Our restaurant uses paintings as a part of the decoration. We display different paintings each month. The artists are all foreigners who live in Taiwan. If customers like a painting, they can buy it directly. At present, the theme of our fresco is “cat” and our stores are mostly in the alleys, which is why we are called “Alley cat.”

(裝飾: 我們的餐廳主要以畫來做裝飾的一部份,每個月都會展示不同的畫作,畫作作者皆為住在台灣的外國畫家,如果客人喜歡的畫可以直接購買,目前我們的壁畫以貓為主,加上我們的店主要位於巷弄中,所以這就是我們的店名叫做"Alley cat"的原因)。

3) Music

4) Light : dark (燈光: 灰暗)

5) Hand-made dough: Our dough is freshly prepared, by hand, each Day. Our Marinara sauce is also freshly prepared (手工製麵糰)

5. Anything else about your restaurant?

Ans:1) There are 6 branches in Taipei (Li Shui Alley cat’s、Ne Hu Alley cat’s、Zhong Xiao Alley cat’s、Tien Mu Alley cat’s、Song Ren Alley cat’s、Pigmenting Alley cat’s) Alley cat’s共有6家分店在台北(麗水店、內湖店、忠孝店、天母店、松仁店、西門町店).

2)Apart from offering pizzas, we sell alcohol as well.

3) To meet take-out needs, we have just launched 8 inches small pizza as another choice.


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